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Ensure prompt access to emergency fire systems with the Fire Safety Equipment - Fire Alarm Call Point Sign. This sign clearly identifies the location of the fire alarm call point, which allows individuals to manually trigger the fire alarm in case of an emergency. Featuring a straightforward design with clear text and symbols, it helps guide people to the call point quickly, supporting effective emergency response. Available in various options, it is suitable for both indoor and outdoor use depending on the selected material. Easily mountable on walls, doors, or near the call point, this essential sign ensures that the fire alarm system is easily identifiable and accessible. Choose the material that best fits your needs to ensure clear visibility and readiness in case of a fire.
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Safety signs made from aluminium composite panels (ACM), polypropylene and solid aluminium are recommended for outdoor usage. The strongest material in order is Aluminium sheet, ACM and then polypropylene.
Safety signs made from Foam PVC and Polypropylene are the best option for indoor usage
because they are lightweight.
An aluminium composite panel, commonly called ACM or ACP, is a lightweight alternative to a solid aluminium sign. It is a cheaper alternative commonly used in the signage industry due to its high strength and versatility when printing and cutting.
Where reflective signs are required, they are made of reflective stickers mounted to either aluminium composite panel or aluminium sheet and comply with Australian standardAS/NZS 1906.1:2017 (formerly AS/NZS 1906.1:2007)Reflective signs are used wherever regulated signage is required.
Engineering grade class 100 reflective has no visible lines within the face film. Premium prismatic reflective class 1100 due to the prismatic properties for maximum reflectivity.
Class 100
Class 100 signs are typically used where noncritical reflective signage is required, such as non-critical, off-road situations requiring high visibility in poor light conditions, such as work premises, signage, car parks, and shopping centres.
Class 400/400T
Class 400/400T is used where high visibility is required for 24 hours of the day. It is a premium-grade reflective material that reflects light from wide angles. To comply, all signs on a public road must be Class 1. This would include all street signs, speed limit signs, and roadwork signage, to name a few.
Class 1100
Applications include regulatory signage for critical applications requiring long–distance retroreflectivity and angles of reflection, as well as highway signage, intersection/pedestrian
signage, and sharp turn signage. (We recommend you independently check your local government restrictions to ensure that any reflective product fits any road or work use requirements.)